Bulkley Richardson Dedicates Day to YMCA Camp

Bulkley Richardson dedicated Friday, May 3 to preparing the YMCA’s Stony Brook Acres Day Camp in Wilbraham for a June opening. Nearly 40 attorneys and staff turned out to paint, clean and do yard work on the 20-acre property.

“We rolled up our collective sleeves to make a positive impact on our community,” said Betsey Quick, Executive Director. “It was a day of community service that turned into something even greater as we experienced team building and camaraderie, while also honoring the legacy of our partner, Jeff Poindexter and his commitment to the YMCA.”

In connection with Bulkley Richardson’s 100th anniversary, the firm launched the campaign, “Be The Change,” a firm wide initiative intended to connect lawyers and staff with opportunities to engage with organizations in western Massachusetts and beyond so that we can act together to bring positive change.